Our upcoming Mastering Deal Execution programme will take place over 3 days at the end of July and will be led by our founder, Simon Haigh. Simon is an acknowledged expert in deal-closing and associated business strategies with 25 years of international C-Suite legal, strategic and commercial experience including with US technology and Australian resources and utilities multinationals as well as leading global law firms in the US, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific.
We’re delighted to confirm that Simon will have the pleasure of welcoming 4 international experts as guest speakers during the 3 day masterclass.
Over the coming days we will shine a spotlight on our illustrious guests.
First up is David Haigh, CEO of Brand Finance.

David is the CEO and founder of Brand Finance plc. A qualified Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London, he worked in international financial management then moved into the marketing services sector, firstly as the Financial Director of The Creative Business and then as Financial Director of WCRS & Partners. He left to set up a financial marketing consultancy, which was later acquired by Publicis, the pan European marketing services group, where he worked as a director for five years.
David moved to Interbrand as Director of Brand Valuation in its London-based global brand valuation practice, leaving in 1996 to launch Brand Finance. He has represented the British Standards institute on the International Standards Committee working party on the standardisation of brand valuation methods and practices, whose draft standard (ISO 10668) was published in November 2010.
David has written many articles for the marketing and financial press on branded businesses and brand valuation and is the author of numerous publications. He also lectures on the subject of branded business, brand and intangible asset valuation at many of the leading business schools around the world, which is why we are delighted to have him on board with us for this groundbreaking course.
Sign up for one of the few remaining seats here > TCD Business School