SimonHaigh.com had the pleasure of being interviewed for IrishTechNews' Business Showcase this month. In this interview we discussed everything from our background to our future plans.
Originally posted on the IrishTechNews website but you can enjoy the article below.
SimonHaigh.com helps organisations and decision makers close deals and drive business. It does this through solutions to help execute deals more effectively, improve collaboration, communication and enhance business performance.
We spoke with Simon Haigh, Managing Director at SimonHaigh.com to find out more about the company and the services they offer.
Can you give our readers an overview of the products and services SimonHaigh.com offers?
SimonHaigh.com works with all types of organisations and decision-makers to help them improve their deal-closing capabilities and bottom-line performance. We’ve developed an acknowledged, repeatable seven-step methodology, based upon 25 years of practical experience.
How are you different?
We are an online originating business with a difference in that we provide a suite of offerings across three broad sectors: a) publishing (e-book Deal making for Corporate Growth, available on Amazon and upcoming book How to be a Great Deal closer, to be published by NYC publisher Business Expert Press in 2018) and online e-learning products; b) coaching, mentoring, training, speaking and lecturing; and c) corporate advisory and finance.
When was the company launched and where are you based?
We launched in June this year and are headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with representation in Jakarta, Indonesia; Shanghai, China; Perth, Australia; New York and California, USA; and London UK.
What have been your biggest wins to date?
In just four months, we have landed some major wins in terms of clients such as the US based Marshall Goldsmith organization and PWC Ireland, both in the professional services space, DIT in the academic space, and a suite of international (HK, Australia, US and Irish) start-up and early stage companies across the cyber security, med-tech and risk management spaces.
Who are you trying to attract to your product?
We will shortly be launching our e-learning videos (with input from leading international business people) and will specifically be targeting decision makers within organisations who see value in engaging us to help them develop a systematic, integrated and strategic approach to deal-closing and associated communication and management systems.
Can you tell me about the team behind SimonHaigh.com?
SimonHaigh.com is 100% privately owned by Irish company GCM Consulting Ltd. Its founder and Managing Director is Simon Haigh and comprises an impressive team of global partners and advisors including in Ireland former CEO of Aer Lingus Dermot Mannion, former President and CEO of Worldwide Ireland Funds and Jeff Caselden (ex head of Amazon Ireland).
When should companies choose SimonHaigh.com?
Any company that needs: a) to improve their deal, sales, M&A, customer service, marketing, business development, PR, brand, IP and digital media management capabilities; b) their leadership capabilities through more impactful communication, networking and collaboration, and optimised on-boarding, coaching, mentoring and training; and c) support for their strategies across relevant IT, innovation, infrastructure, supply management, finance, investment, legal, risk management, governance, compliance, change and project management, process improvement and transformation processes
Why will the company do well?
SimonHaigh.com has carved a niche for itself in that from childhood, people possess the innate ability to get what they want. Some people retain this deal-closing instinct as they age, while others lose it for many reasons. ExpertDealCloser provides the tools to enable everyone to become, and stay, a better deal-closer.
What’s next for SimonHaigh.com?
We will be launching our e-learning videos this Autumn and in mid 2018 our How to be a Great Deal-closer publication in the US. We will also be rolling out a corporate sales and marketing road map and will also be looking at opening discussion for equity investment for further global expansion by mid 2018.
What’s the best way for people to get in touch and find out more?
Please visit www.simonhaigh.com, email us at simon@simonhaigh.com or call us directly on +353 (0) 87 669 5881.